Who we are
I figured this might be a good way to get to know us behind the camera a bit better. As previously mentioned our names our Erik and Felicia and we started hanging out together back in 2012 as we both discovered we shared the interest of photography. Back then we were more like a happy tourist just aiming the camera towards each subject whether it was a flower, bird, insect or just a pretty landscape. It was a time where the auto function of the camera was the way to go, but the more we got into photography together the better we got and left the auto function to explore and learn manual mode.
With time our camera gear stated growing as did our relationship that had now grown beyond just sharing a hobby but turned into sharing everyday life as well.
Then the pandemic of 2020 hit and the world halted and everyday life was sort of put on hold. As society shut down it was time for us to get more serious with nature photography and we got tele lenses and started doing quite a lot of bird photography as this allowed us to get out in nature and avoid people at the same time.
Even though it is at the time of writing this, 2025, we are still improving by each time and striving for new natures. We’ve both completely left photos of animals in captivity for wild animals and all photos shared on this site are of wild animals, so none captive animas and birds, but in some cases taken from a hide.
Our hopes is to continue to grow our portfolio and show you our ever growing collection of photos. Should any of them be of interest to hang on a wall in your home, please don’t hesitate to get in contact us and we’ll do our best to be of help.
Thank you for being here!